Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ivory-Billed Woodpecker POLL! TAKE IT TODAY!

I have moved an Ivory-billed Woodpecker poll to the top of the headers over to the right....see it? Right next to this. Don't you want to know what everyone thinks? I didn't know there was still so much interest in the LORD GOD BIRD. Are you a bad mofo? Maybe you is. Maybe you ain't. What? It just popped up randomly in my head. And, I took my medication already! Don't come in here, you might not like it.
Hug your kids! AND, lock up your meds!
My next door neighbors child, our babysitter, overdosed on Tylenol PM yesterday and is in the hospital fighting for her life. Remember what is most important in life. Hint: It is not money or your binocular or your car etc.. etc....


Bobby said...

for more info on ibwo search contact me @

Eddie and Liam said...

I sent an e-mail yesterday...very interested....waiting for response.