Friday, May 8, 2009


I was trying to take a nap and the young grackles in the nest outside my window just kept croaking and croaking and croaking and croaking.... it was maddening. We had a starling nest in our house. There is a gap between a sliding glass door and the side of the house filled in with plywood. The gap was filled with plywood when the previous owners replaced the garage door with the glass doors and had space left over. At the top of the plywood there is a small gap and they built a nest in it on top of the insulation. I pulled it out babies and all while my 3 little kids snapped around the bottom of the ladder like hungry pirahna. With the kids catching onto what I was doing I had to try and save the birdies vs. letting them return to the earth. So, I put a board over the gap took the nest and all and put it in a makeshift birdfeeder turned cavity nest. Even though the slot of the bird feeder was placed directly in front of the where the gap was in the wall the mother never found the nest and they were dead by the next day. Nest relocation does not work for starlings. Going to Pelee tomorrow night. I will let you know if I get a cavity search. Lets cross our fingers.

1 comment:

LisaM said...

I tried to tell Brad that we had a nest in our attic one year, but he thought I was crazy. So, the NEXT spring I told him again and MADE him go up and check it out. He came down and said that we had an Eagle's nest up there;) It was Starlings, those little buggers!