Saturday, May 30, 2009

I say pa-roo-la you say

pair-ya-la. You are wrong : ) I have been hearing Northern Parula everywhere lately. I thinkit is because my birding ear is getting better. That is a nice thought. I don't have much else to say so let me try to find some pictures.

Liam - 7 with Harley the dog

Elle - 3 with Corny the Corn Snake

Elle with Daddy

Elle with Liam's best friend Prince (Elle likes to get her picture taken)

Gannon - 5 with Tricery

Black-tailed Rattlesnake - Madera Canyon, AZ

Sonoran Desert Toad - Madera Canyon, AZ

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i say it the way you do, so at least we're right! how do you say pileated? i have a common yellowthroat that has set up territory in the fencerow behind my house, and he uses the shrubs i've planted at the back of my yard. singing like crazy! later...bws