Took the kids this year and Liam really got into watching for raptors from the blind. He has a good eye. He was very excited to hold his first sharpie! One of the other blinds did catch and release a Goshawk!
Birded a bit here and there with a distant Razorbill at Avalon sea watch. I also got a nice Winter Wren at Higbee Beach. The highlight really though was an unexpected close up of a Tundra Swan. A nice lifer for me!(dont look at my life list by the way, it needs serious updating and correcting) in the consevancy parking lot. A couple of Merlins put on a show there too another day. Another a
The highlight of the trip had to be Pete Dunne helping Liam pick out his first pair of binoculars at the Cape May Bird Observatory. Thanks Pete!
Scott I missed you!
Brian thank you!
Just checked this for the first time in a are welcome, and sorry it was sooooooo slow! by the way, the other blind caught a goshawk that week, not a gyrfalcon.
Missed u too Eddie
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