They aren't birds but they fly!
Jeez, I go away for a couple of weeks and all hell breaks loose. First of all this blog has always been about whatever is going on and recently this has included more reptiles. The only real change however was the name. My friends have been and are welcome to joke around and say that hate reptiles....MORE BIRDS! Jeff, read Michele's comment again and imagine her saying it tongue in cheek. All she was pointing out was the reason the blog has more reptiles in it not that any comments were hurting the new business. I am going to divorce her for worrying you though. And to my kids are not really starving and we are not about to live under a cardboard box. They all just got new tennis shoes. Jimini Cricket; take a pill woman. As I once told Scott. "I am never being serious unless I say I am being serious. I am serious." The point was that the reason I am working and not just birding is so the kids don't starve. You are disowned.
The truth is I just have not been birding lately. All work and no birding makes Eddie a dull boy. I figure everyone would like to see something rather than no new entry?!
The truth is I just have not been birding lately. All work and no birding makes Eddie a dull boy. I figure everyone would like to see something rather than no new entry?!
You can say Pin-up Reptiles sucks and all the reptiles are diseased if you want....I will just tell you they aren't and that you can suck it. Feel free to tell Michele where she can stick it if you will have to suffer her wrathful response but all of that makes this worth doing. If you all stop commenting I will cry and take my ball and go home.
During the last week out in the field we caught endangered Indiana Bats. It was my first time seeing them and I now have experience tracking and triangulating them which is awesome and very lucky in my opinion.
I heard lots of birds but didn't see many. The hours we kept were more bat friendly. I did hear lots of Willow Flycatchers which was neat. They start calling very early in the morning before the sun comes up.
One night we netted along an old railroad line that Lincoln's funeral train once traveled.
A sedge which I learned the name of and have forgotten
Stag Beetle?
Myotis sodalis - Indiana Bat
Indiana Bat
Indiana Bat
How do you tell if it is a female....nipples help
transmitter in place for tracking to roost tree and foraging information
Toe hairs of lucifugus are longer extending beyond the end of toenail and more abundant than in sodalis
heavily keeled calcar of sodalis
bat tracking and netting is fun, but i'm glad i don't have to keep those hours anymore! i would go back to owl work in a second though...bws
very cool post. great pics.
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