Wednesday, July 15, 2009


My son Gannon just came back up on the porch and said "Do you know what I was doing?" I said no and he told me a bird was trying to get a bug and he scared it away and put the bug back on its feet. Just then he shouted and ran back to the driveway to shoo the returned female house sparrow and save the bug once more...a beetle of some sort. While Gannon is on duty no bugs will be harmed by aliens. The sparrow retreated to the roof and looking perturbed flew off. We just checked it out to find some kind of June bug sized metallic green beetle with no legs left...I guess he was too late to the rescue. Gannon said "poor little bug" and put him in the yard to crawl around on his stubs. While Gannon is on duty, bugs will lose no more than all of their limbs. I wonder how he will like Starship Troopers?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like how you basically told a story about a bug and your son and used a bird to get the story across, but the powers that be will see right through this. Birds only from now on please. I don't care what Michele says about it either. Unless she makes specific reference to a tanager or a warbler or something like that, then I might listen to her comment. -RAS